
Soul Plan readings by Kirk Kerber

I want a Tarot card reading. How can I get one?

Kirk Kerber on Quora: You’ve got questions ??

I provide answers.

“Seasoned Reader.”

I offer my Clients a very specific type of reading that I call:

“Soul Plan Readings.”

I offer a very specific type of reading with Tarot, Shaman decks and Oracle decks as well.

My readings concern your past present, and future and will take anywhere from 3 - 6 months to absorb.

I’am a Soul Arc reader and Soul plan reader providing my clients Akashic Records readings on past lives as they relate to this lifetime.

I can read your “Soul Plan” or the events that you planned before you incarnated.

Some of this is still a mystery to me but my gifts are strong with a strong desire to help and heal my clients rather then: “Tell your”future.”

I dont generally throw cards about relationships or Love readings: there are many, many readers who excel in that type of reading with Tarot cards: marriages and relationships do come up in the readings as they relate to the client as well as passed relatives but I do not promise to “talk to the dead” like everyone thinks thats all a Medium does or wants to do.

There are many types of readers and Mediums and Psychics all with unique gifts offering their own style of reading so be sure to ask a few questions before taking your time and money with a reading.

My readings start at $375 dollars and the Soul Reading is $375.00 because there are so many hours involved. Its basically my weeks pay because as I stated there are around 7 total hours involved to gather the information on my types of readings.

And FYI heads up: there are some FAKE readers out there, its true.

Point blank: alot of readers simply aren't experienced and haven't been doing it long. So Ask them “How long have you been reading?” and or “What types of readings do you specialize in or what topics or areas??”

All valid questions before hiring a Reader. And FYI not all Tarot readers are Psychics or Mediums for that matter.

Ive covered this in other platforms here on Q so Know what your getting and or who your hiring and why ?

What do you wish to know about your life or yourself ?? A true Sage seasoned reader will not tell you what to do: they will present your choices to you, in a clear manner and explain the reading as well while it is happening.

A basic All around “general” Tarot reading can change your life, give clarity and support and relief.

It is truly helpful to simply hear and see your situation in the cards and on the table if it is an in person face to face reading.

A lot of Psychics and Tarot card readers do readings without ever meeting with the clients: their clients just send them money and some general questions and then they receive an email with the reading roughly a week later.

This is pretty “normal” so if a reader tells you that this is how they work its a truthful and not uncommon way of giving readings.

Besides all of this perhaps your questions are better served with an Astrologist: its another type of channeled message and Psychic reading but Ive had amazing Astrology readings that really healed parts of my soul and provided invaluable information that I cant see how I ever id without it.

Once again most people who have never had a reading but are curious about them they still believe most Card readers are Psychics and will talk to your dead friends and lovers and family and or also Predict their futures.

Most people have a really low Spiritual IQ when it comes to what people like myself do or the amounts of mental and psychic and spiritual energy it takes to give a sincere and true and life altering reading.

In the past when internet Psychic “hot-lines” or chat rooms opened up I would go on the site and just “read” the people they were offering. And most of the time you could tell they were all pretty much newbies: because Ive been reading people all of my life and reading Tarot for nearly 35 years that most of these people, although they mean well and are sincere its obvious that most of them are not long time long term experienced Readers.

They might be intuitive and might like to read Tarot cards and perhaps have read a few books about the cards…But true Tarot reading is an art form. And really fantastic Sage readers are a true and rare find. And if your lucky enough to find these rare hard well studied “old Soul” readers who are well experienced and also giving readings publicly there is really nothing like it…

These type of people “channel their readings…” (myself included) and their cards are their tools:

Oftentimes Psychic messages do come thru for my clients without ever throwing one card whatsoever.

But the average reader: well look around: a person could study the Tarot decks and origins and history for decades and still they didn't even scratch the surface of what can be learned.

As I said I have been Psychic my entire life but didn't exactly know how to read people and didn't know if it was my mind or true Psychic “knowing.”

I was a bartender for many many years and I would bring my Tarot cards and decks to work and leave them out on the bar so customers could see them and ask for readings…

I probably gave around between 100 and 200 perhaps 300 ?? hundred readings over the course of 2 decades at the same bar. It was noisy and crowded and sat 500 people at a time.

So I would bartend and throw cards for people on the bar then leave and then mix drinks and then read for them in between other customers:

It was like a Tarot “gauntlet of learning” to Zero - In fast and see the truth in peoples eyes and I would throw cards and since they weren't paying me for the readings I could relax and find the true core reading.

The place was so big - three floors - nobody seemed to care I was reading Tarot cards for people. And even the manager at the time asked for readings so it was no problem to read for customers and the staff and I started to just get good and hone the skills as well as having the gifts.

I got faster and faster at summing it all up and then Bam !! after about reading 15 years or so it just fell into place.

Soon I was getting the full reading in a few minutes all while mixing drinks and entertaining people.

So my Spirit - energy readings and “people reading” skills were really highly sharpened by this experience. The customers would say “No thats not it…” or “Not really…” but then I learned to find the vibration and get to the immediate core of their energy and soon they were saying:

“Thats amazing…” and their eyes would widen !!! and then I’d know I had found the energetic Psychic truth and they validated it…

Oftentimes I would read people without the cards as well. I had a fellow Medium Psychic who was also my bar partner who worked with me behind the bar and we’d read people silently and nod to each other and we were always Dead on the money reading people. 500 people walked thru that place every hour an a half so we had a lot of chances to read a lot of people and I worked there on and off for 20 years.

Point of fact just so anyone who reads this knows: I didn't charge anyone one single dime for any of of those readings…

I read FREE of charge for nearly the first 20 years I read the cards and gave channeled readings without the cards as well…all FREE.

In fact it never occurred to me that I could or should change. I went professional because I wanted to stop reading altogether and was tired and felt depleted at my friends always calling asking for readings. It was exhausting. Finally I just put down my foot: “Hey if people want me to read for them they will have to compensate me for my time and substantial experience and they did and still do.

Another thing is as a “Sober Medium” and reader I have sat in recovery rooms for three decades and heard the life stories and recovery stories

of thousands and thousands of people.

And after while you truly get the true and verifiable “Sixth Sense” about people and their stories. It’s another bonus for my clients.

Today I work exclusively as a Healer and Reader and “Spiritual Fixer” or a person that stabilizes people in times of Crisis.

In any event: back to the subject at hand:

A lot of people have wanted readings and encountered “Gypsy” con artists posing as Mediums who have no gifts or real talents insights or intuition except to extort money out of people with half truths and lies and con artist schemes. Yep there are out there waiting.

A great place to find a really almost uncountable number of gifted and sincere Tarot readers, teachers and students and Mystics and Psychics and Mediums is on Facebook in the groups.

There are Tarot groups on Facebook that will give free readings.

Most tarot readings last about an hour some longer and thats it.

I have a spiritual Topics based television program where I interview Spiritually gifted people and I have three interviews with Psychics and Tarot readers: Lisa Larson and Jen of Jen’s Tarot are two great interviews on youtube right now that you can watch and see me sk questions and discuss readings. Jen specializes specifically in Love type Romance readings and Lisa is An animal Communicator who used to read cards but now acts as Medium between her and people and their Animals living or passed.

In my case and type of readings there are and is around three to four hours of “reading” involved before I ever go face to face with a client either on Video Cam or simply on the phone.

My most powerful readings are phone to phone because they seem far more intimate and I’am able to read deeper for some reason.

Then I can also get messages for the next few days as well. I’am still in the reading for nearly a week. And oftentimes will send a follow up email as well to highlight everything and then offer any Spiritual advisement I feel you'd like.

My readings will reveal parts of you and answer questions for you that you never even knew you wanted answered. I’am honored to read these types of reading because they involve your Spiritual evolvement and are going to expand your mind spirit and Soul.

There will also be new questions as well. All meant to happen.

I do not recommend that my clients return to me the next week for another reading. I know my Sessions are life changing readings that will as I stated take up to 3 - 6 months to absorb.

My clients have told me of profound changes in their entire take and outlook upon their lives. Many report breakthroughs and the secondary effect of getting Unstuck and moving forward to their more and true authentic lives.

If you'd like to read my client reviews online please google:

“Kirk Kerber Shaman NYC” and investigate my work. There is a link to my website in my bio here on this site.

My clients have raved about my work saying how unique my readings are and tell me that the readings they get during our session changes their lives.

I hope you find what your looking for and best of luck with everything.

All Blessings.

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Kirk Kerber Professional Oracle Advisor Medium.

I have been assisting individuals and streamlining my Spiritual Healing Arts Modalities for over 25 years.

I also produce and host a call-in cable tv and internet show every Monday Night 11:30pm Eastern. We have been on the air for over 15 years. Past shows and interviews can be seen online @ Youtube, Vimeo and Dailymotion.