I encourage new clients to ask around and research my career, watch any of my over 300 hours of FREE videos I have provided FREE online, and read my client recommendations on this site before deciding to book a session with me.

I would like you to know and understand that

your healing and my Integrity as a healer go hand in hand. 

Likewise: I have a proven 35-year track record of assisting my clients.

As Pro Mentor, my clients have consistently improved their lives: and touched/owned their FULL Power.

And likewise, they have gotten exactly what they desire and ask for: New Jobs, More Money. Love. Confidence. Add to the list.

If it’s possible to achieve, then I am your guy.

Here’s what you should know before you book as a New Client.

To expedite our work together, I ask that you book and have an assessment session first (unless you’d like reading) to get a clear idea of what you're looking for and to see if we are a good fit.

You will need to kindly donate the requested assessment amount to my venmo account here:



or on my donation page there is a link to an encrypted Paypal.

Next, I will contact you via text with my cell number to set up an appointment time and day.

The assessment is basically like an “intake” to determine what’s going on, what you're looking for, and whether you wish to book a full healing or Mentor package session or series of sessions.

I recommend the assessment is by phone to phone: it is 45 minutes long…

The Consultation assessment determines what’s going on…and your needs.

The assessment consultation is not a reading or a direct healing.

Although many of my clients have reported feeling as if they were receiving a healing, grasping clarity on our situation can be very empowering. It can also be very scary.

I've been there…

I will do everything in my power to help you.


Frequently asked questions:

What follows are the main questions and answers a new client needs to know before proceeding:

I am a healer, first and foremost.

My sessions are designed to create new pathways: open up your life and expand your mind and soul to new possibilities.

For Readings:

I give “Life Readings.”

They are a complete experience of insight and healing for your Spirit and Soul and “Soul Arc.”

(My readings are not your average stock standard “Tarot” readings.)

This means my readings are dense and far-reaching in their scope and impact upon your life and Soul journey here.

In many ways, you will feel freedom, expansion, and a greater connection to yourself and what you want.

I am, in essence, a True Oracle and a Healer.

The best readings are when you walk in with no expectations and are open to receiving the messages I get for you.

I have been reading for over 35 years and always find the client gets the messages and reading they are supposed to get at that time: for perhaps a breakthrough or an entirely new way of being…

If you feel this is for you, then please read on:

Below is five minutes of reading that will save you and me an hour or so of emails…

Please read these F.A.Q.s and then email me that you have read them beforehand.

I will need your returned confirmation email that you have read this page before I book a session with you.

The details, along with the

"terms and conditions"

to know before you book a session.


 Session Details:

The Sessions are

Forty-five minutes - 1 hour.

(unless noted.)

For the Life / Soul Arc readings…

My readings begin when the client books the session: I can receive messages throughout the week, even before we meet in person or have a phone call…

These readings involve around five to seven hours of my time total, including channeled messages, The Actual Tarot and Oracle Cards pull and spread, and then a one hour 15 minutes face to face on a Zoom Call.

All other services are available after the assessment/consultation only:


The Session are available:

On Zoom, Facetime, or Phone.

Appointment Times offered:

Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday 


4 / 7 / 9 pm

“Eastern Time Zone”

or later*

*to accommodate my clients in other countries and time zones:


 All sessions are

paid in advance via 





Venmo @keegan-kerber

cash app


There are no refunds.

If you are not %100 percent sure that I am your healer, I suggest you look elsewhere for a reader and healer.

Upon receipt of your

For payment, you will receive a text and/or email from me, and then we will book your appointment time and day.


Cancellation Policy:

48 hrs notice

One time only with one reschedule.  


Late to a Session 


No show?

I do not make up late time to a session.


I will Pray 

Meditate and Bless you

on your behalf


No Refunds for a No show 


Late time.


All Blessings 



** DISCLOSURE Agreement **

Whatever happens in a session is protected and respected.

I am your “Keeper of Secrets.”

>>> Discretion and Integrity Policy Disclosure <<<

In this day and age of devices and technology, I want my clients to know that I NEVER record client sessions.

Likewise, there are no notes, files, or anything written down anywhere ever.

You can feel 100% safe.

Part of the value of seeing me and meeting with me in a sacred space is that you can reveal and confess and let anything out that you need to.

Likewise: I ask that my clients also DO NOT record our sessions in any way, even if it’s for your own use to remember what was said.

*** Any recording of myself or my voice or image during a session in anyway constitutes a breach of contract as well as the sacred bond of trust between us.

By reading this, you agree to these terms and conditions: any recording from a device during our sessions will be pursued as legal action by my estate and my lawyers.

More in-depth details are below:

Going Deeper:The Spiritual Healing Sessions…will be greatly enhanced by having on hand the following:Journal with pen or pencil:A small amount of White Sage or White Sage Smudge Stick or perhaps incense to burnA candle or many candles - setting the mood and preparing will greatly enhance the experience for you.Treat this experience as a sacred meeting with your “Higher Self” or Your Soul Energy or your Divine Self.Lighting candles, burning Sage leaves or incense: turning the lights down ect…will assist you in entering the Divine with ease and grace.* Spiritual Channeled Messages:* I receive messages: before, during and after the face to face or cam to cam…Clarity:Once your session is booked oftentimes beforehand I will get "messages" for you in my morning prayers and meditations: when this happens I simply make mental notes and then bring them into the session for the client and likewise I may get messages for clients after our initial online in person or phone meeting which I will send to you in a follow up email.It is common to get only a few parts of the reading during the face to face / phone meeting and then later get the bulk of the reading at a later time so don't panic !!The in person is to get connected to your mind and energy and find the clarity of whats going on hence the FULL reading takes place over the course of a week in many instances.More in depth:* Each session is tailor made for the client and is channeled directly from their Spirit guides, Angels or their Higher Self.* My clients get the messages they need at that time to move forward or get unstuck.* Oftentimes more questions get raised in a reading than get answered: this is part of the process: My Oracle readings relate to your Soul and Spiritual fulfillment and enlightenment and oftentimes this is the natural course of what I do.Sometimes a new question or set of questions is what the client needs to expand or move forward.**** Not every question you have can be answered in a one hour session. Just as in the conventional therapy setting a client is not going to be able to talk it all out in a one hour session…this is a process…The basic idea is to walk in with no expectations; If you’ve had a regular Tarot type of reading my readings pertain to your Soul expansion and Soul Plan and Arcs of your Soul’s lifetimes…* My spiritual gifts are the strongest usually on the phone to phone sessions.* My strongest readings are from later at night: 9 pm Eastern and up till 1 Am is the “Zone” when my gifts are the strongest.* For the Oracle readings sessions:Courtesy Chart with the Oracle Readings:If you would like a basic astrological chart done before your session send me an email with:Your full given birth name. The exact date and time of your birth with the city where you were born.Although Astrology is not my first gift I do find certain basic aspects of a person’s chart to be helpful in conjunction with your reading.I'am happy to do this free of charge.:)The Shamanic and Late night “Fixer” sessions are taken on a case by case evaluation. My clients are screened beforehand for these Healings and I do not work with every person that requests it..Please feel free to ask any questions that are not answered here by sending me a note with your name and email on the contact page or direct to:Kirktv@gmail.comI will get back to you as soon as possible.Namaste Kirk

Going Deeper:

The Readings and Spiritual Healing Sessions…

Will be significantly enhanced by having on hand the following:

Journal with pen or pencil:

A small amount of White Sage or White Sage Smudge Stick or perhaps incense to burn

A candle or many candles - setting the mood and preparing will significantly enhance your experience.

Treat this experience as a sacred meeting with your “Higher Self,” or Your Soul Energy or your Divine Self.

Lighting candles, burning Sage leaves or incense: turning the lights down ect…

will assist you in entering the Divine with ease and grace.

* Spiritual Channeled Messages:

* I receive messages: before, during, and after the face-to-face or cam to cam…


Once your session is booked oftentimes, I will get "messages" for you in my morning prayers and meditations.

When this happens, I make mental notes and bring them into the session for the client.

Likewise, I may get client messages after our initial online in-person or phone meeting, which I will send you in a follow-up email.

It is common to get only a few parts of the reading during the face-to-face/phone meeting and then get the bulk of the reading later, so don't panic !!

The in-person is to get connected to your mind and energy and find the clarity of what’s going on; hence the FULL reading takes place over the course of a week in many instances.

More in-depth:

* Each session is tailor-made for the client and channeled directly from their Spirit guides, Angels, or Higher Self.

* My clients get the messages they need at that time to move forward or get unstuck.

* Often, more questions get raised in reading than answered: this is part of the process: My Oracle readings relate to your Soul and Spiritual fulfillment and enlightenment, and oftentimes this is the natural course of what I do.

Sometimes, the client needs a new question or set of questions to expand or move forward.

**** Not every question you have can be answered in a one-hour session.

As in conventional therapy, a client cannot talk it all out in a one-hour session. The sessions are dense and supply enough information about your Life for a full 3 - 6 months to digest.

This is a process…

The basic idea is to walk in with no expectations; If you’ve had a regular Tarot type of reading, my readings pertain to your Soul expansion and Soul Plan and Arcs of your Soul’s lifetimes…

* My spiritual gifts are the strongest, usually on the phone to phone sessions.

* My strongest readings are from later at night: 9 pm Eastern and up till 1 Am is the “Zone” when my gifts are the strongest.

* For the Oracle readings sessions:

Courtesy Chart with the Oracle Readings:

If you would like a basic astrological chart done before your session, send me an email with the following:

Your full-given birth name.

The exact date and time of your birth with the city where you were born.

Although Astrology is not my first gift, I do find certain basic aspects of a person’s chart helpful in conjunction with your reading.

I am happy to do this free of charge.

The Shamanic and Late Night “Fixer” sessions are taken on a case-by-case evaluation.

My clients are screened beforehand for these Healings, and I do not work with everyone who requests it.

I offer “retainer” agreements with clients in “Spiritual Crisis.” *

Please ask for details. (send me an email for a detailed explanation of how a retainer works.) or I do offer in-person clearing and healings. Travel expenses and travel time is paid by the client as well as the Session Fee.

I do “Sober” coaching/companion. I have over 37 years of sobriety and will provide that service upon request.

I do NOT give medical advice.

I do not help people pick financial stocks or advise on which investments will pay off.

Please feel free to ask any questions that are not answered here by sending me a note with your name and email on the contact page or direct to:


I will get back to you as soon as possible.



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